Describe Something You Taught To Your Friend/Relative

IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card

Describe something you taught to your friend/relative.

You should say:

What you taught him/her?
When it was?
How long it was for?
And explain how you felt about it.

Note: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Model Answer 1:

Teaching is a great way to share knowledge and skills with those around us. Recently, I had the opportunity to teach something new to my friend. Here, I would like to talk about that experience.

What you taught him/her?
The thing I taught my friend was how to cook a delicious meal. I had picked up the basics of cooking on my own, and my friend could also benefit from learning these skills. It would be nice to share something I enjoyed doing with someone else. 

The meal we ended up making was a classic Italian dish. We made pasta with tomato and basil sauce. It was simple but very tasty. I had picked up the recipe from a cooking class I had taken a few months prior. I was excited to share this knowledge with my friend. 

I explained to my friend the ingredients needed and how to prepare them. I showed him how to correct the ingredients’ proportions and mix them together to create the sauce. I also showed him the techniques for cooking the pasta to the perfect consistency. 

When it was?
I taught my friend the basics of cooking this Italian dish about a month ago. We had a free weekend, and it would be a great opportunity to spend some time together while learning something new. We made sure to set aside a few hours so that we could take our time and properly learn the steps without any distractions. 

How long it was for?
The cooking lesson didn’t take too long. We were able to complete the entire process in about two hours. This included the time it took to prepare the ingredients, cook the meal, and finally, enjoy the meal together. 

And explain how you felt about it.
I felt great about teaching my friend something new. It was a great opportunity to bond with my friend and share something I enjoy doing. Seeing my friend’s enthusiasm as he learned the basics of cooking was very rewarding. 

Overall, we both enjoyed the meal we had prepared and had a great time.

Model Answer 2:


  • My sister lives in the US.
  • Last summer, she and her children visited us in India during the summer vacation.
  • Both her children, my niece and nephew are quite inquisitive and they are always keen on learning something new.

What you taught him/her? and When it was?

  • One day, they saw me playing chess online and they immediately developed an interest in chess.
  • They requested me to teach them.
  • They visit India very rarely, so I thought it would be a nice way to spend some quality time with them.

How long it was for?

  • They were visiting for 2 months, so we had plenty of time.
  • I started with the basics and explained how each piece moved first.
  • With time, I covered some of the complex mechanics like castling and en passant.
  • I also bought them a membership at, so that they could practice alone when I was busy.
  • The website has some nice puzzles, which teach how to think in difficult positions.
  • They played against computer bots and other players as well
  • Chess is about practice and the more they played different players, the more they learnt.
  • They were very quick to pick up things and by the end of two months, they had also beaten me two or three times.
  • In fact, I also learnt a few special moves from them.
  • It was a very fulfilling experience overall.
  • I think it was the first time I taught someone something.

Explain how you felt about it and Conclusion:

  • I felt very proud when they picked up things and their beating me was the icing on the cake.
  • I lost as a player but I succeeded as a teacher.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions

Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card “describe something you taught to your friend/relative”.

1. What are things that young people can teach old people to do?
I think they can teach them anything they are good at. However, if I had to pick something specific I would say the use of technology like how to use mobile phone features, apps and computer software.

2. Why do older people have problems learning new things?
I think its about memory. I think people’s memory deteriorates with time and people start forgetting things. For example, sometimes when I am teaching my mother, she forgets the previous steps. However, when I repeat it once or twice, she picks it up.

3. Do you think showing is a better way than telling during education?
Of course. It’s easier to remember things we see. I am not sure why but I think our visual memory is far better. Moreover, there can be misunderstandings when telling something as words can be interpreted differently.

4. Do you think constant training is important for people to study something?
Yes, practice is the key to success. I remember I once watched a video which said that if a person spends about 1200 hours on something, he can become an expert at it. I couldn’t agree more. I remember I taught my mother how to use Microsoft Word and now she knows about it more than me because she uses it much more.

Important Vocabularies

1. Inquisitive

curious or inquiring.

Both her children, my niece and nephew are quite inquisitive and they are always keen on learning something new.

2. Castling

a move in the game of chess involving a player’s king and either of the player’s original rooks.

With time, I covered some of the complex mechanics like castling and en passant.

3. En passant

a chess move in which a pawn captures an opponent’s pawn that has moved two squares forward from its starting position by passing it as if it had moved only one square.

With time, I covered some of the complex mechanics like castling and en passant.

4. Puzzles

games or problems that require ingenuity and careful thinking to solve.

The website has some nice puzzles, which teach how to think in difficult positions.

5. Bots

computer programs designed to simulate conversation with human users.

They played against computer bots and other players as well.

6. Fulfilling

making someone satisfied or happy because of fully developing their character or abilities.

It was a very fulfilling experience overall.


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

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