The questions in Part 1 are on general topics about your life. Your answers are from your life and experience. There is no right or wrong answer.
Topic : Insects
1. Do you like insects?
2. Do you think insects are useful?
3. What kinds of insects make some people scared?
4. Are there many different insects in the place where you live?
Q1. Do you like insects?
Well, I like insects, but not all kinds of insects. I mean to say I like butterflies and dragonflies, and the reason is they not only look beautiful but also increase nature’s beauty.
Q2. Do you think insects are useful?
Yes, insects are beneficial. I believe every living organism and non-living things in this world has a particular purpose. For example, everyone loves to eat honey, which bees produce.
Q3. What kinds of insects make some people scared?
Well, some insects look beautiful, and people like them, but most of the insect’s look is horrible, so people do not like and get afraid of them, such as the beetle, cockroach, cricket and many more.
Q4. Are there many different insects in the place where you live?
Yes, there are many insects inside and outside of my home because I live in a farmhouse. I regularly spray insecticides inside the house.
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Image : Photo by David Clode on Unsplash