Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world

You should spend about 40 minutes on IELTS writing task 2.

Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world. Although global decisions are made to reduce these problems, the solutions are not effective. Why are the solutions ineffective? How can these problems be solved?

Give specific reason and explain them with examples from your own experience or knowledge.

You should write at least 250 words in IELTS writing task 2.

Question Overview

Topic : Climate change
Type : Double questions

Model Answer 1

Our mother earth is weeping due to the two main threats, pollution and climate change. This essay will shed some light on the need to start looking for an effective plan and the choices that may put an end to these ever growing difficulties in the not too distant future.

There are lots of reasons to encourage the ineffectiveness of the alternatives provided. Firstly, the more pragmatic the remedy is that the more it would be executed and many choices which are taken so much to fight the climate fluctuations are less pragmatic. Take for an instance, putting up the use of personal vehicles will be something which may only exist on black and white. Second, steps taken so far seem like will be successful only in a very long run. Finally, if only the rules enforced are strict, is there a chance for it to be executed. The amounts of government are usually less careful about the long-term ramifications of these international concerns on the upcoming generation. Mitigation! That’s what the planet needs. The world leaders take conclusions to resist the pollutions and climate change and lots of these decisions stay in the papers and never see the daylight. The ideas should be implemented not discussed. The absence of implementation and budget are two chief reasons we still have the pollution and increased Earth temperature.

However, there are chances to make this world clean and habitable again. For this to take place, sharing of vehicles among commuters of same destination or even a reliable public transportation may be introduced. In any case, instead of focusing on long-term actions like decreasing deforestation done for residential purposes, plantation of some high number of saplings and creation of awareness programmes for pupils would be much more operative. The world leaders have to make things happen instead of discussion and decisions. They should apply every country to implement the steps they believe useful. Funnily, they decide to decrease the number of private vehicles on the streets and yet their nations produce countless automobiles to export to other nations and they’re investing more on space study than to make the world livable. That is something that should be taken seriously not lightly.

To bring down the drapes, the whys and wherefores of all dissolutions which didn’t bear fruits were put in the limelight and also the immediate changes that can be done in order to hand down the world as it is to the posterity have been suggested.

Model answer 2:

It is incontrovertible that environmental issues such as global warming and pollution have adverse impacts on all countries and these negative consequences would affect the whole world. Even though some worldwide solutions have been addressed to solve these problems, many men and women think that they weren’t powerful and productive. The following essay will talk about a few of the reasons why the solutions weren’t successful and how these problems should be solved.

For any number of reasons, alternatives that have been implemented for resolving environmental issues were considered as ineffective. Firstly, solutions were just implemented by certain countries. By way of example, just a few nations on the planet employ carbon monoxide test for vehicles like Canada or Australia while it should have been completed in most countries. Other nations such as India and China are enabling vehicles with all conditions to sail in their streets and roads. Secondly, some countries don’t offer clear regulations and laws concerning environmental issues. For instance, in many countries, there is no fine or penalty when people throw the garbage into the sea or river. As a consequence, oceans are still polluted with waste from such countries. Though many worldwide policies are taken, a number of them are not implemented in several countries. This is the principal reason we still have raising world temperature and pollutions.

There are some solutions that the United Nations and authorities could consider to solve these environmental problems. These regulations have to be implemented globally, and for countries that still use CFC has to be prohibited and given penalties. And then, each nation should have strict regulations concerning to ecological problems and the United Nations should audit each of those countries on a timely manner. By having a review from an independent party, every country is made to execute friendly environmental practices in their area.

In conclusions, I feel that global ecological issues could be resolved, as long as all nations participate in implementing the answers.

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