IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card
Describe a nightmare that you had.
You should say
When it was?
what was a nightmare?
How did you feel afterwards?
Note: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Model Answers and follow up questions to describe a nightmare that you had IELTS cue card:
Model Answer 1:
Well, we have often have dreams but, most of the time I see myself traveling in foreign country, having a dinner with a famous celebrity but sometime I have nightmares as well and I would like take this opportunity to share my experience of having a nightmare.
When it was? and what was a nightmare?
I vividly remember, when I was in 10+2 and my final exams were just around the corner. One night I had a dream in which I am siting in examination hall and it is my mathematics exam. In fact, it’s the subject that I hate most and I preform really bad in it. To be honest, I am really not good at mathematics I find this subject really difficult at the same time boring. So, in my dream I saw myself siting in examination hall
unable to solve any question. I was having very tough time in solving the math problems and when the result got declared I failed in mathematics. It was really terrifying experience
How did you feel afterwards?
Usually I forget the dreams when I wake up in the morning but this particular nightmare started to hunt me from that particular day. I simply could relax at all. This thing was there on my mind all the time.
Since, I was really tensed so I decided to share this problem with my mother. I told her about the nightmare that I had after that she said to me that you should think it as a message of god. You should nott waste time and start practicing today itself.
So that I actually pass this exam and not let this bad dream come true. I took it as a challenge and from that day I started to practice hard, I started to devote extra hours to practice mathematic In fact, my friends too helped me in coming out of this fear.
Now the final exams were there and I was really well prepared to take this exam and I performed really well and I got positive results. I scored high in the final exam and I must say, after seeing my result I was really happy and from that day onwards.
This nightmare stopped hunting me at all. But, overall it was quite a terrible experience of having such nightmare.
IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions
Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card “describe a nightmare that you had IELTS cue card”.
We will update it soon.
Some cue-cards you may like :
- Describe a time when you encouraged someone to do someone to do something that he/she didn’t want to do
- Describe a decision made by others or someone that you disagreed with
- Describe a time when you felt bored
- Describe the time when you had to sing a song or a poem in front of public IELTS cue card
- Talk About A Time When You Learnt Difficult Word IELTS cue card
Credits :
Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash
A nightmare that you had IELTS cue card

Well, we have often have dreams but, most of the time I see myself traveling in foreign country, having a dinner with a famous celebrity but sometime I have nightmares as well and I would like take this opportunity to share my experience of having a nightmare.
When it was? and what was a nightmare?
I vividly remember, when I was in 10+2 and my final exams were just around the corner. One night I had a dream in which I am siting in examination hall and it is my mathematics exam. In fact, it’s the subject that I hate most and I preform really bad in it. To be honest, I am really not good at mathematics I find this subject really difficult at the same time boring. So, in my dream I saw myself siting in examination hall
unable to solve any question. I was having very tough time in solving the math problems and when the result got declared I failed in mathematics. It was really terrifying experience
How did you feel afterwards?
Usually I forget the dreams when I wake up in the morning but this particular nightmare started to hunt me from that particular day. I simply could relax at all. This thing was there on my mind all the time.