The questions in Part 1 are on general topics about your life. Your answers are from your life and experience. There is no right or wrong answer.
Topic: Farming
Q1. Have you visited a farm?
Q2. What kind of farm do you like?
Q3. Do you think farming is important?
Q4. Did you do farm work when you were young?
Q1. Have you visited a farm?
Yes, my grandfather was a farmer, and he and my grandmother used to live on a farmhouse in the middle of their farm in Gurdaspur, Punjab. My parents would take me there during our summer vacation. They had a lot of wheat and sugarcane fields and many mango and orange trees. I still remember the taste of fresh warm jaggery made from sugarcane juice and plucking fresh fruits from the trees.
Well, I belong to a farmer family. I live in a village, and I visit farms every day. I visit there because I love greenery and I like to help my father with his work.
Well, I live in a city, so I get less chance to visit a farm, but I never miss it whenever I get the opportunity.
There are a lot of vegetables, fruit and flowers plants. My father collects fresh vegetables from there.
Q2. What kind of farm do you like?
I like farms that put effort and care into their products. Ethical farms where farm animals are treated humanely, given good diets, and not given antibiotics. Farms that grow non-GMO crops and don’t use excessive pesticides.
Well, I like all kinds of farms as I love nature, so I like the fresh fragrance of the soil and plants in the morning.
Q3. Do you think farming is important?
Yes, I think farming is very important. Farms are an integral part of the food industry, and farms are the source of the world’s food supply. Fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy, grains, eggs etcetera all come from farms. Farming also improves a country’s economy and creates so many jobs.
I believe agriculture is necessary, as air is vital to breathe because food gives our body energy and comes through agriculture. Agriculture plays a critical role in the entire life of the Indian economy, or can say it is the backbone of the economic system. It not only provides food but gives employment opportunities also.
Q4. Did you do farm work when you were young?
Yes, I used to help my grandfather on his farm. I would help him and other farmhands with harvesting wheat crops. I also used to help with making jaggery and taking care of dogs and chickens in his barn.
As I said earlier, I love nature, so I did farm work when I was young. In my childhood, and when I get free time, I do farm work such as watered the vegetables and fruit plants. I also help my parents’ milking cows.
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Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Farming
Q1. Have you visited a farm?
Well, I belong to a farmer family. I live in a village, and I visit farms every day. I visit there because I love greenery and I like to help my father with his work.
Q2. What kind of farm do you like?
Well, I like all kinds of farms as I love nature, so I like the fresh fragrance of the soil and plants in the morning.
Q3. Do you think farming is important?
I believe agriculture is necessary, as air is vital to breathe because food gives our body energy and comes through agriculture. Agriculture plays a critical role in the entire life of the Indian economy, or can say it is the backbone of the economic system. It not only provides food but gives employment opportunities also.