Speaking part 1 Plants

The questions in Part 1 are on general topics about your life. Your answers are from your life and experience. There is no right or wrong answer.

Topic: Plants

1. Do you keep plants at home?
2. What planet did you grow when you were young?
3. do you know anything growing a plant?
4. Do Indian people give plants as gifts?

Q1. Do you keep plants at home?
A. I live in the village; there is lots of open space in front of and in the back of my home. I grow many plants, mostly flower plants on the front side of the house and grow some fruit and other plants on the backside of my house. I keep plants at home because it has not only enhanced the overall appearance of a space, but they have been reduced stress and eliminate air pollution.

Q2. What planet did you grow when you were young?
A.1 grew bougainvillea when I was young. I grew it beside the main gate of my house. It is a great tropical and evergreen plant and great climber plants. I love its flower colour, so I grew it.

Q3. do you know anything growing a plant?
A. Honestly speaking, I have little knowledge about growing the plants, but my uncle is an expert in it so take his help while planting plants.

Q4. Do Indian people give plants as gifts?
A. Yes, it’s become a trend in my country that people give plants as gifts for many occasions such as on birthdays and formal dinner. There are many benefits of giving plants as a gift such as they last for a long time means, plants do not expire or get outdated.

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Photo by Chris Abney on Unsplash

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