IELTS Speaking Part 1 Relatives

The questions in Part 1 are on general topics about your life. Your answers are from your life and experience. There is no right or wrong answer.

Questions and answers for IELTS Speaking Part 1 Relatives:

Topic: Relatives

Q1. Do you often visit your relatives?Q2.
Q2. What do you do when you visit them?Q4.
Q3. Do you prefer to spend time with your relatives, or your friends?
Q4. Do you take anything when you visit your relatives?
Q5. What are some of the most irritating/embarrassing questions your relatives have asked you?

Q1. Do you often visit your relatives?
Me, family, friends and relatives are the essential things in the world. So I give equal respect to all as | give to my parents. All my friends and relatives are live in the range 40 kilometers from my home. So I visit their home at weekends.

Q2. What do you do when you visit them?
I have always loved visiting a relative’s house. | learn many things from my elder relatives because each has excellent experience in a different field. | do many fun activities with my cousins, such as talking with each other watching movies at home, shopping, and eating out.

Q3. Do you prefer to spend time with your relatives, or your friends?
As | said earlier, my friends and relatives are essential to me, so | like to spend time with them. When | have a lot of free time such as on weekends | visit relatives home and spend time with them otherwise on weekdays in the evening | spend time with my friends.

Q4. Do you take anything when you visit your relatives?
Visiting relatives is a chance for you to share your life with those who help raise your confidence and ensure that they’re getting the support they need. So please bring something with you because it shows your love towards them and it doesn’t matter how expensive it is. On special days | bring some clothes and pes of a gift for them.

Q5. What are some of the most irritating/embarrassing questions your relatives have asked you?
Well, I love to spend time with my relatives, but sometimes, some relatives asked some questions that irritate/ embarrass me. Some asked questions about my personal life. One of my aunts keeps an eye on my activities that irritate me. She always asked me my friends in front of my parents; that is so embarrassing because there are many things that we do not want to share with our parents.

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Photo by Some Tale on Unsplash

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Relatives

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Relatives

Q1. Do you often visit your relatives?
Me, family, friends and relatives are the essential things in the world. So I give equal respect to all as | give to my parents. All my friends and relatives are live in the range 40 kilometers from my home. So I visit their home at weekends.
Q2. What do you do when you visit them?
I have always loved visiting a relative’s house. | learn many things from my elder relatives because each has excellent experience in a different field. | do many fun activities with my cousins, such as talking with each other watching movies at home, shopping, and eating out.
Q3. Do you prefer to spend time with your relatives, or your friends?
As | said earlier, my friends and relatives are essential to me, so | like to spend time with them. When | have a lot of free time such as on weekends | visit relatives home and spend time with them otherwise on weekdays in the evening | spend time with my friends.
Q4. Do you take anything when you visit your relatives?
Visiting relatives is a chance for you to share your life with those who help raise your confidence and ensure that they’re getting the support they need. So please bring something with you because it shows your love towards them and it doesn’t matter how expensive it is. On special days | bring some clothes and pes of a gift for them.
Q5. What are some of the most irritating/embarrassing questions your relatives have asked you?
Well, I love to spend time with my relatives, but sometimes, some relatives asked some questions that irritate/ embarrass me. Some asked questions about my personal life. One of my aunts keeps an eye on my activities that irritate me. She always asked me my friends in front of my parents; that is so embarrassing because there are many things that we do not want to share with our parents.

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