IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card
Describe an activity that you do after school/work.
You should say
What it is?
When and Where you do it?
Who you do it with?
And how you feel about it?
Note: You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
Model Answers and follow up questions to Describe an activity that you do after school/work IELTS cue card:
Model Answer 1:
No doubt, people feel tired and bored with their regular routine of work or study and refresh their mind and feel relaxed they enjoy different activities.
What it is?
Here I would like to talk about one talk that I do after my long and tiring day of school, and that is going for an evening walk. The fact is that I spend approximately 6 to 8 hours at school and then go for extra classes, which gets me physically and mentally exhausted and to feel better in the evening.
Who you do it with? and When and Where you do it?
I visit the colony park with my friend Simran who lives next door to me. It is a small but beautiful park with lush green grass, a jogging track – beautiful flowers and plants and rides for kids. In the evening time, we enjoyed walk here and seeing little children taking rides and hooting in joy rejuvenate my mind.
After having a walk for some time, we sit on the grass and do yoga. Yoga is undoubtedly, the best exercise for the tired mind and really works wonder for me.
And how you feel about it? and Conclusion:
Undoubtedly, Simran my best buddy, so we utilize this time to discuss our day and share problems that we cannot share with others which really makes us feel make stress-free. This one-hour at the park revitalizes me, and this is what I enjoy doing after a tiring day at school.
Model Answer 2:
Introduction: and What it is?
- Due to study pressure and long sitting, my life is very sedentary.
- Therefore, to keep me physically fit, I do yoga after school.
When and Where you do it?
- I just started it two months ago, so right now I can only do the beginner level poses (asanas).
- But I am getting better day by day and I believe that I will be able to move on to the advanced ones soon.
Who you do it with?
- Actually, my mother used to do yoga when she was a child.
- So, when I was thinking about improving my physical fitness, she suggested that I try yoga.
- She also wanted to do it again and we thought because of each other’s company, we would be more regular.
- Another reason for picking yoga was that it doesn’t require any special equipment.
- We just had to order two yoga mats.
- We have a huge veranda in our house.
- We normally spread the mats there.
- However, when it is raining, we do it inside the house, in our living room.
- Typically, we do it for about 40 minutes, in the evening.
- And we try to do it at least 5 days a week.
And how you feel about it?
- Yoga has changed my life considerably.
- I not only feel physically fitter but also mentally more composed.
- And it wasn’t easy, in the beginning, I wanted to give up.
- The first week was especially tough and I had severe body ache and soreness.
- But by the second week, I felt a lot better.
- I think if it wasn’t for my mother pushing me, I would have given up.
- Now, I am the one, pushing her.
- I really look forward to doing it.
- It has become a part of my routine and if I do miss it, I feel guilty somehow.
- I think everyone should definitely try yoga once in their life.
IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions
Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card “describe an activity that you do after school/work”.
1. Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?
I think the thrill of extreme sports comes from the risk involved. People know that they may lose their lives. Moreover, I think it’s also about doing something that not many other people will try and do.
2. Are men more likely to do adventure sports than women?
I don’t think it depends upon gender. Some people are just more adventurous. I think it does depend upon a person’s economic status though. Adventure sports are quite costly and thus I feel rich people are more likely to do them.
3. What are some popular outdoor activities in India?
I think the most popular outdoor activities are sports and especially cricket. I think nearly all the youngsters in India play cricket. Besides sports, a lot of people also like to go for walk or jog. In fact, even in my neighborhood, most of the people go for a walk in the morning.
4. What do young people do in groups?
Young people do many things in groups, first, they go to shopping malls and cinema theatres. Also, many of the youth like to play outdoor activities and sports like cricket, hockey and so on. Another trend that is coming in big cities is going out and partying at clubs.
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Credits :
Photo by kike vega on Unsplash
Describe an activity that you do after school/work IELTS cue card
No doubt, people feel tired and bored with their regular routine of work or study and refresh their mind and feel relaxed they enjoy different activities.
What it is?
Here I would like to talk about one talk that I do after my long and tiring day of school, and that is going for an evening walk. The fact is that I spend approximately 6 to 8 hours at school and then go for extra classes, which gets me physically and mentally exhausted and to feel better in the evening.
Who you do it with? and When and Where you do it?
I visit the colony park with my friend Simran who lives next door to me. It is a small but beautiful park with lush green grass, a jogging track – beautiful flowers and plants and rides for kids. In the evening time, we enjoyed walk here and seeing little children taking rides and hooting in joy rejuvenate my mind.
After having a walk for some time, we sit on the grass and do yoga. Yoga is undoubtedly, the best exercise for the tired mind and really works wonder for me.